The F. Matthias Alexander Trust

The F. Matthias Alexander Trust
Supporting the Alexander Technique since 1991
Registered Charity No. 802856.

The purpose of the Trust is to bring to the general public, awareness and understanding of the Alexander Technique. The Trust also promotes research and study into all aspects of the Technique.

The Trust consists of between five and eleven trustees who normally meet three times a year in London. One of the trustees is a member of the STAT Council and provides an ongoing link to STAT. All Trustees are practising teachers of the Alexander Technique. If you would like to consider becoming a Trustee please contact us.

The original trustees of 1991 were Mrs Julia Brodie, Air Vice Marshal David Clark, Mrs Jenny Daisley, Mrs Vartoug Gulbenkian, Mr Donald Kirkley, Mr Adam Nott, Mr David Peers and Vice Admiral Sir Allan Trewby KCB.

Current Trustees
Mary Walker, David Harrowes, Peter Ribeaux, David Reed, Anna McCallion, Kamal Thapen.

The Trust produces yearly reports.
Extracts are available on The FM Alexander Trust website.