All posts by CftATtest

Workshop: Mindlessness

‘Mindlessness’ – Peter Ribeaux 7 May 2016
Saturday afternoon, 7th May 2016
from 1:30-4:30pm at 10 Harley Street, London W1G 9PF.

The title of this workshop is, of course, a play on the word ‘mindfulness’ and the current popularity of mindfulness as a therapy and method for promoting personal growth. The concept is rich in both paradox and problems with the meanings of words. Alexander wrote of his difficulty with finding appropriate words at the beginning of CCC. An aphorism attributed to Alexander says, “Beware the written word. It may not be understood the way the author meant it to be”. In this workshop we will hopefully have fun negotiating this jungle.

However, the plan is to go beyond words in exploring mindlessness (or even mindfulness?). In doing this we will explore the roles of ‘physical’ and ‘mental’ activity in touch and teaching.

Book now via HITE’s website

Pete’s Blog – Thur 7 Apr 2016

Ah yes, three themes……

Of course there’s only one really. The use of the self. Whatever that means. I’m not being silly, or at least trying not to be. There can be so many versions of what it is depending on which part of the psychophysical lens one looks through. “Use affects functioning”. The “universal constant in living”. However that doesn’t mean we can’t look at different aspects of the “use of the self”.

So why not these three themes? Varieties of touch, Alexander thinking and teaching musicians.

Let’s take touch first. To touch or not to touch? It is clearly possible to influence a person’s use for the better by verbal instruction even though words may be open to misinterpretation. Some of Glenna Batson’s work with old people shows this to good effect. So the question is not really to touch or not to touch but rather to touch as well as talk. That is obviously best unless one gets the words hopelessly wrong.

Touch can be classified in an infinite number of ways. In the Alexander world we are inclined to use dichotomies like hard vs soft, invasive vs non-invasive, manipulative vs non-manipulative, doing vs non-doing. The problem is that without the practical demonstration of what we mean by these terms we can immediately get into all sorts of misunderstandings. This blog stuff is harder than I thought. It would be nice to get together and really exchange. But let’s keep going for a bit longer. But the trouble is that it is possible to work quite invasively as a teacher without “doing” in the bad sense of distorting one’s own use. And then the question is do we mean physically invasive or psychologically?

As I’ve always thought this material is best dealt with experientially or it risks becoming a dreadful head trip. But how else can one communicate in writing except by means of words?

Well that’s enough for now. More soon……..

Pete’s Blog – Wed 6 Apr 2016

After many years regretting not writing down my daily musings about the Alexander Technique, I decided to see if I could jot them down, no matter how trivial. And here seemed a good place. I kind of hope no one replies as that would mean that I would have to reply in turn – or maybe not….
This year I’ve also decided to go to a few conferences and present workshops on topics which interest me and on which I’ve formulated a few ideas. I’ve decided to offer them up as follows:
1.“The Nature of the Alexander Thinking Process”, mischievously advertised as “Mindlessness” at HITE in Harley Street, London, 7th May at 1.30pm
2.“Varieties of Touch” at the AMMAS Conference in Spain, 23-30 July.
3. “What can a Non-musician Alexander Teacher offer Musicians ?” at the International Conference for Alexander Technique in Music Education, 30-31 July in London.
4.“Varieties of Touch” (again) at the ATI Conference in October. I doubt I will have sorted this one out after one airing!
So here we have it, three themes: Alexander thinking, varieties of touch and teaching musicians. Yes, they seem to be some of the most common things that preoccupy me as a teacher at the moment…….

30th Anniversary of Centre for the Alexander Technique Training Course

7pm to 11.30pm
Buffet Supper
Music, Entertainment.

Ellie and Peter Ribeaux request the pleasure of your company on the occasion of the Thirtieth Anniversary of their Training Course on Saturday 17th May in St Etheldreda’s Church Hall, 528 Fulham Palace Road, London SW6 6JF

46 Stevenage Road
London SW6 6HA
020 7731 6348

Ellie would appreciate help with the catering. Anyone prepared to assist in any way please contact her at or
020 7731 6348